Friday, July 23, 2010

A 21st Century Vision for Sustainable Communities

A regional GreenStep Cities program is being offered in Grand Rapids, MN on July 29th.  "Going green" sounds good but what can cities and counties really do in tight budget times?   A great first step is to send staff, elected officials and interested citizens to one of two GreenStep Cities seminars at the Grand Rapids Area Library (140 NE 2nd St) on Thursday, July 29th.  The two hour seminar will be presented twice—once from 3:00-5:00 and again from 6:00-8:00.    There will be a social hour with food served from 5:00-6:00.  Please RSVP to (218) 326-0252 or and let us know if you can attend one of the seminars and if you will be staying for the meal. 


Minnesota local governments are facing serious economic challenges because of increased costs as well as decreased revenue.  The GreenStep Cities program is a volunteer municipal sustainability program that was launched at the June meeting of the League of Minnesota Cities.  It is a vision leading our communities into the 21st century and includes actions that could be taken by citizens, citizen groups, business groups, churches, schools and others interested in working towards civic improvement.  The program encourages implementation of best management practices in five areas:  1) improved energy efficiency in buildings and facilities, 2) transportation and street improvements, 3) land use planning, 4) environmental management, and 5) economic and community development. 


MN GreenStep Cities has the support of the MN Pollution Control Agency, MN Office of Energy Security, Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTS), and League of MN Cities.  This seminar is hosted by the Grand Rapids Wes Libbey Chapter of the Izaak Walton League and has funding assistance from the Blandin Foundation, Grand Rapids Public Utilities Commission, and Minnesota Power—an Allete Company. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fostering Communities for a Lifetime: Complete Streets July 29th

Transform 2010 presents episode 7 in a series . . .

Fostering Communities for a Lifetime:

Complete Streets - Safe, Accessible and

Versatile Streets for All Ages and Abilities


Thursday July 29, 2010

        Start Time:     10:00 AM

        Duration:       120 minutes

Itasca County Courthouse        123 NE 4th Street       Grand Rapids

Training via Video Conference from

Aging and Adult Services Division,

Minnesota Department of Human Services


Presenter(s):   Janelle Waldock, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of MN

        Amber Dallman, MN Dept of Health
Tom Gottfried, MN Dept of Transportation
Margot Imdieke, MN State Council on Disability
LaRhae Knatterud, MN Dept of Human Services

        Tim Mitchell, MN Dept of Transportation

                Peter Spuit, MN Dept of Human Services


Description     Transform 2010 promotes communities for a lifetime as a set of strategies to help communities thrive as the population ages.  Communities for a lifetime strategies support healthy, active and successful aging in the community for people of all ages and abilities through planning and improvements to physical, social and service infrastructures.  The premise is that healthy, active and successful residents yield economic and social benefits for the whole community.


        This videoconference series presents: promising examples of community improvement efforts around the state; provides an  opportunity for participants to ask questions of experienced peers; and builds overall understanding of communities for a lifetime       strategies.


Target Audience:        Representatives of cities, towns and townships, counties

        Citizen groups engaged in community improvement

        County workers supporting efforts for individuals to age in place

        Providers of products and services designed to help individuals

        age in place

        Senior Housing and Long-term care providers

        Managed Care organization and Health plans


Learning Objectives

Goal 1: Understand the Complete Streets concept and the 2010 Complete Streets Law 

Goal 2: Understand the opportunities the Complete Streets concept and law

Goal 3: Summarize the efforts of Minnesota Complete Streets pioneers at the city and county

Goal 4:   Tour the new Minnesota Communities for a Lifetime website


Pre-registration is required

Each person needs to register through the link provided below. Registration closes at 5:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to the session. By registering, you understand that the session will be videotaped with the possibility of your visual and audio likeness being recorded for reproduction and distribution.



Handouts and Resources

Presentation handouts and resource materials will be distributed to registered participants via email attachment 1-2 days before the scheduled session. Print and bring your own copies to the session.Copies may not be available at the site.Those individuals interested in receiving handouts only, can make this request via the registration survey.



Video-conferencing sites without any registered participants prior to the registration close date will be cancelled. If you register, but are unable to attend, please cancel your reservation through the web link using your confirmation number prior to the registration close date. This allows others to participate in the training.



Certificates for continuing education are available for participants at the site. Note: Videoconference training sessions have not been submitted for prior approval to any licensing board.



Individuals with a disability who need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this event may indicate "special request" when registering.  Please make requests as early as possible.


DVD Ordering

Copies of the session may be available for ordering for a fee after the session ends. If the presenter(s) gives approval, you can order copies from the registration page.


Time and Locations

The conference will be offered at the sites and time below. Note: sites that are filled are listed as FULL on the registration system and cannot accept additional people. You must choose another site.


        Start Time:     10:00 AM

        Duration:       120 minutes


Building        Street Address  City

Anoka County Government Center  2100 3rd Avenue, Room 238       Anoka

Big Stone County Family Services        340 NW Second St        Ortonville

Blue Earth County Human Services        410 S 5th Street, River Room    Mankato

Cass County Health, Human and    400 Michigan Avenue     Walker

  Veterans Services Building

Chisago County Government Ctr.  313 North Main Street, Room 106 Center City

Clay County Family Service Ctr. 715 11th Street North   Moorhead

Cook County Courthouse  Social Services Dept., 411 West Second Street   Grand Marais

Crow Wing County Social Services        Community Services Bldg, 204 Laurel St., 3rd Fl.        Brainerd

Department of Human Services    444 Lafayette Road, Fifth Floor, Room 5137      St. Paul

Douglas County Human Services   809 Elm Street, Suite 1186      Alexandria

Fillmore County Courthouse      Commissioners Broad Room, 101 Fillmore Street   Preston

Hennepin County Government Ctr. 300 S 6th Street,  Room 1713    Minneapolis

Hubbard County Law       301 Court Avenue, South Door    Park Rapids

  Enforcement Center

Itasca County Courthouse        123 NE 4th Street       Grand Rapids

Kanabec County Courthouse       18 N Vine Street        Mora

Kandiyohi County Health and      2200 23rd Street NE, Room 1070  Willmar

  Human Services Building

Lyon County Government Center   607 West Main Street    Marshall

Marshall County Social Services 208 E Colvin Avenue     Warren

Olmsted County Government Ctr.  2100 Campus Drive SE    Rochester

Otter Tail County Government     550 West Fir Avenue     Fergus Falls

  Services Center

Polk County Government Center   612 N Broadway, Lower Level, Suite 110  Crookston

Pope County Public Health       211 East Minnesota      Glenwood

Redwood County Human Services   302 E Third Street      Redwood Falls

Roseau County Social Services   208 Sixth Street SW     Roseau

St. Louis County Government Ctr.        320 West 2nd Street, Room 406   Duluth

St. Louis County Health Dept.   Northland Office Bldg., 307 S. 1st St., 2nd Floor       Virginia

Stearns County Human Services   705 Courthouse Square, Room 354 St. Cloud

Winona County Office Building   202 West 3rd Street     Winona

Wright County Human Services    1004 Commercial Drive   Buffalo